A big Thank You to Enbridge Energy for donoating a 2017 Chevrolet Pick-Up to the Town of Sigel on December 19.  Board members, Dick Goodwin, Tom Nieman, and Larry Pelot were on hand to receive the vehicle from members of the Enbridge staff.  THANK YOU!!


A big “THANK YOU” to Bill and Judy Haas, life long residents of the Town of Sigel, for letting a young Town of Sigel photographer (Thanks, Kaden!) spend time taking pictures of their historic village located on County F in the Town of Sigel.  Some of those photos are included on the home page of this website for all to enjoy.  Bill has served the Town of Sigel as a snow plow driver many years.  Anyone riding with him on those snowy nights was given a history lesson of the Town of Sigel down every snow covered road.  Thanks to the Haas’ for keeping the history of the Town of Sigel alive.  It is appreciated!

Garbage & Recycling

Garbage & Recycling for household items is available at the Town Hall every Thursday from 10:00AM to 7:00PM. This is available to Town of Sigel residents only.

New Flag


A new flag was raised on the flag pole at the Town of Sigel Municipal Building at the September 2015 regular Board meeting by Janitor Mike Schwake.  Town of Sigel residents along with Board members were present.  The flag was given to the Town of Sigel by Sate Representative Nancy VandeMeer.
